

What To Expect


Worship services are casual at Bethlehem Baptist Church. Many people wear jeans or dress "business casual." Our services begin with worship music consisting of hymns and songs that magnifies the name of Jesus Christ and exalt the name of God. Our Choir and congregation joins together in song to prepare our hearts for receiving the preached Word of God. Our pastor preaches a bible-based message with practical application to help you live out your faith during the week.  Services are usually a little over an hour, and then you’re welcome to hang out and fellowship with people afterwards.

If you have children under the age of 4, we have a team of loving, trained volunteers in our secure nursery area.  We encourage children over 4 years of age and up, to join their parents in adult service.







Our Story

Bethlehem Baptist Church was established in 1834.  Since its establishment, 31 pastors have served the church.  Pastor Zad Tomberlin has been guiding the helm of our church since 2021.  Bethlehem Baptist Church has stood strong through the centuries, striving to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ in our community as well as in every part of the world.

Our Mission

Bethlehem Baptist Church is a body of Christ followers who desire to glorify God by making disciples. We do this by exalting Christ in worship, through equipping the church for the work of ministry and evangelizing our neighborhood and the nations.

Our Purpose When We Gather

We are seeking to help the body of Christ study, understand, and obey the Bible. Therefore, we are committed to the expositional preaching of the Bible in our corporate gatherings. We welcome anyone to come join us as we hear, learn, and submit to the Word of God.

Our Ministries

SUNDAY SCHOOL: Our Sunday School rooms are located to the left.  We have classes for all different age groups, from one year old to seniors.  There is also a mixed class in the main sanctuary for those who are not able, or choose not to move.

MEAL MINISTRY:  When there is a death, the ladies of our church want to help by fixing a meal.  We serve for members, parents, spouses, and children of our members.  We always stand in need of help with this ministry.  If you are new to our church and want to help with this check with Sue Moore.

CHURCH CHOIR: We do not have an "organized" choir.  Anyone who wants to come and join us is welcome.  Even if you can't sing.

SPECIAL SINGING:  In addition to our choir, we always have special singing during each service.  Our church has been truly blessed with talent.

YOUTH SUNDAY:  Every fifth Sunday of the month is set aside as "youth Sunday".  Our kids take over the services, and each class is asked to have a young person to teach.  

BUSINESS MEETINGS:  We have quarterly business meetings on the first Wednesday night of the new quarter.  If you are a member of this church, you have as much right as anyone else, to be involved in these meetings.

FRIDAY MORNING SMALL GROUP BIBLE STUDY:  Men and women's bible study on Fridays at 9:30 a.m.

CHURCH NEWSLETTER:  Each week we have a "bulletin".  If you have prayer requests or announcements please contact Robert Jones by email @ jonesrobd@gmail.com.  Deadline for announcements and requests is Friday by 5:00 p.m.


Our Staff

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